Act Now to Protect Seafood Traceability!

Seafood provides important protein and nutrients for millions of people every day, and the U.S. government recommends eating seafood twice a week as an integral part of a healthy diet. At the same time, seafood, if not properly handed, can make you sick. This is why the Food and Drug Administration included seafood in its new requirements to track food through supply chains, which allows the government to identify risky products and recall them if needed.

Around 260,000 people get sick from contaminated fish each year in the United States alone. Fish is the most common category of food responsible for foodborne illness outbreaks.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for ensuring most of the nation's seafood supply, both domestic and imported, is safe and honestly labeled. In 2010, Congress passed the Food Safety Modernization Act into law to bring FDA’s food safety into the 21st century, including shifting from paper-based record keeping to electronic for the riskiest food — including seafood. When there is an outbreak, the FDA recalls the food from grocery stores, restaurants, and the rest of the supply chain, often before it reaches your dinner plate. By requiring full chain traceability for these high-risk foods, the FDA can more rapidly address foodborne outbreaks.

While the new law passed in 2010, the FDA was slow in finalizing the food traceability rule. Thanks to Oceana and Wavemakers like you, the FDA finalized this Food Traceability List and associated traceability requirements, including requiring boat to plate traceability for most seafood.

But right now, traceability for seafood and other foods is in danger.

A new bill introduced in Congress would delay the improvements in food traceability, meaning your health and safety is on the line. Use your voice and tell your U.S. Representatives and Senators that you do not want them to co-sponsor or support ANY legislation that would obstruct or weaken the FDA’s food traceability requirements, especially for seafood.

Traceability of seafood through the entire supply chain is essential to protect human health. Let’s fight for a healthy future — together.

petition letter


This action emails your direct federal representatives and can only be completed by U.S. citizens with an address recognized by the database provided by Congress.
