Offshore drilling leads to dangerous oil spills that hurt people, animals, and our oceans. With sea levels rising and extreme weather events accelerating, it’s crucial that we step in to permanently protect our coasts from further devastation.

Our oceans need us NOW!

Urge President Biden to take bold and historic action by permanently protecting the entire Atlantic Coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico from future offshore drilling. This will save OVER HALF A MILLION SQUARE MILES OF OCEAN from the threat of drilling and spilling for future generations!

Use your voice to tell President Biden to permanently protect the East Coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico, from Maine to Florida, from future offshore drilling. Together, we can make a real, meaningful impact on our oceans and the people who rely on them.

petition letter

Dear President Biden,

I urge you to use your authority under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to permanently withdraw the Atlantic Coast and the eastern Gulf of Mexico from any future offshore oil and gas drilling. We face a climate crisis that requires urgent action and leadership. Now is the time to build a legacy and permanently protect our coasts, and the people and wildlife that depend on them — along with future generations — from devastation.

You have the power right now to protect OVER HALF A MILLION square miles of ocean from future destruction. You can fulfill your stated goal to protect America’s coasts, including this vital stretch from Maine to Florida, from future offshore drilling and spilling that fuels climate change.

Your bold commitment in 2020 to end new offshore oil and gas leasing came in the wake of longstanding bipartisan opposition to such leasing from members of Congress, governors, other state and local elected officials, business coalitions, and millions of people like me. We collectively continue to seek permanent protection for our coasts. The last two Presidents, representing both parties, have used this authority to protect areas of the Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico. However, their actions either left out entire states or only provided temporary protection. Thankfully, your Administration’s Five-Year Plan does not propose offshore drilling leases in these areas. But as it stands, almost nowhere from Maine to Florida is permanently protected from offshore drilling: a problem you can immediately solve.

Permanently protecting the coasts in this vast area from the dangers of offshore drilling would take us a long way in fulfilling your historic vision of protecting 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030. It would also safeguard the vulnerable communities and wildlife who would be most impacted by the dangers of expanded drilling and spilling in the future.

Please use the authority you have today to protect the Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico coasts and turn the tide on offshore drilling — today and for future generations.

The time is now. We’re counting on you.


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