Protect California’s Biodiversity

California’s ocean waters boast undersea features of global importance. 

This epicenter of biological diversity hosts gardens of colorful deep-sea corals and dense canopies of giant kelp forests, as well as migratory routes and feeding destinations for whales, important nursery grounds for great white sharks, breeding and foraging habitats for California sea lions and giant seabass, and so much more. 

But these ocean habitats and animals are at risk of being harmed by indiscriminate fishing gears – such as bottom trawls and set gillnets.  

California voters, the California legislature, and fishery managers have taken action to ban destructive set gillnets and bottom trawl fishing gear in nearshore waters, resulting in major rebounds in vulnerable species. But with glaring gaps in management oversight and little public visibility, set gillnets are still allowed in federal waters off Southern California and around nearshore islands where they are causing immense damage to wildlife. And while bottom trawling is prohibited in many sensitive areas, California halibut trawls continue to have among the highest bycatch rates in the nation, wasting valuable fishery resources and impacting threatened green sturgeon.  

Join Oceana in calling on decision makers to protect these ocean habitats and animals from the impacts of harmful fishing gear to ensure this unique ocean ecosystem can thrive! 


Ocean waters off California are teeming with life. From colorful corals on the depths of the ocean floor to shark nurseries to endangered populations of humpback whales feeding off the coast, these waters are home to incredible biodiversity rivaling any other place on the globe. I urge you to protect these ocean habitats and animals from the impacts of harmful fishing gears to ensure that this unique ocean ecosystem can thrive into the future.  

We are inextricably linked to ocean waters which support recreation, fisheries, tourism, and an enhanced quality of life. In many respects, California is a world leader when it comes to addressing ocean health, having made global commitments to protect ocean biodiversity. However, some of the most harmful and indiscriminate fishing methods in the country are still allowed in ocean waters off the state. One pass of bottom trawl gear can kill dozens of sensitive non-target species and permanently damage fragile deep-sea corals and sponge beds —important homes for a variety of fish species, octopuses, sea stars, and more. Set gillnet fishing gear can span 20 football fields in length and entangle, injure, and kill whales, sea lions, sharks, and other fish.   

Cleaner, more selective fishing methods and fishery management tools are available to ensure robust fisheries while safeguarding this diversity of ocean life. I call on you to further safeguard our sensitive marine species and habitats which will help ensure resilient and abundant oceans for future generations.   


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