Help defend North Atlantic right whales from attacks in Congress

Some members of Congress are actively trying to stop essential protections for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales. These members are attempting to carve up needed improvements to federal rules that protect North Atlantic right whales from boat strikes — a top threat to this species that only has around 372 whales remaining. 

Critically endangered North Atlantic right whales are in steep decline and on the verge of extinction, and over 25 whales have been struck by boats since 2017. If we don’t stop dangerous legislation that would put these whales at risk, North Atlantic right whales could be the first large whale species to go extinct in the Atlantic Ocean in centuries. 

We’re asking you to tell your members of Congress to oppose all bills and amendments that would block necessary expansion of existing federal rules that require boats to slow down in key areas and seasons where North Atlantic right whales are found.  

Almost all of these “slow zones” would not impact U.S. boaters between Memorial Day and Labor Day – the most popular boating months – as most of the whales are in Canada at those times. If carveouts of federal rules are passed, these critically endangered whales will likely be doomed to extinction.  

Tell your federal government officials to protect North Atlantic right whales from extinction-causing legislation and oppose all efforts to delay needed protections. 

petition text


This action emails your direct federal representatives and can only be completed by U.S. citizens with an address recognized by the database provided by Congress.

Background photo credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, taken under NOAA permit 20556-01
