Oceana’s mission is to win policy victories that restore the world’s oceans. Why? Because doing so will make the seas – which over two-thirds of our planet – more abundant and biodiverse. Healthy marine ecosystems full of wildlife support fisheries that can feed a billion people a healthy seafood meal every day, forever.  

As a Wavemaker, your support is critical to our victories and protecting the world’s oceans and we can’t do it without you.  

Together, we can preserve the oceans for future generations while protecting a critical food source – wild seafood.

Will you pledge to be an advocate for our oceans?  

You Can:

  • Vote on ocean issues to help win policy victories for healthier oceans.
  • Do my part to minimize my carbon footprint by utilizing public and alternative modes of transportation. 
  • Eat sustainable seafood and be conscious of how seafood is sourced. 
  • Reduce my single-use plastic use and demand plastic-free alternatives. 
  • Use my voice to increase awareness about the importance of healthy and abundant oceans. 

I pledge to be an ocean advocate! 

